Tierras de Ready guarantees the health and decorum of the towns since February 1996 - La Opinion de Zamora

2022-07-30 02:08:37 By : Ms. icy zhao

Follow us on social networks:News saved in your profileGeneral Assembly of the association in AlcañicesThe Commonwealth of Services "Tierras de Ready", created on February 26, 1996, after twenty-six years of life, has become, on its own merits and thanks to intense and successful work, a clear example of direct management to follow in the community of Castilla y León.The entity has the particularity of covering an extensive geographical area of ​​mountains and riverbanks, with the towns very dispersed among themselves and for this reason it is not much less easy to carry out its work.Even so, little by little, slowly but surely, the main objective for which it was created has been achieved: to improve the quality of life of the towns and the inhabitants who reside in them through the provision of joint services that They have allowed a praiseworthy efficiency, and at the same time reduce economic costs by sharing tasks that would be materially impossible to face individually by each city council by joining three functions: collection, transport and recycling.Tierras de Ready covers a territory with a map of action with 6,225 registered people compared to 16,353 in 1950. While in autumn, winter and summer the towns are at low population levels, when the summer season arrives the population triples with the return of the emigrants and their descendants to the towns where they were born.Although the greatest increase takes place in July and August, it is also very considerable during Easter and Christmas.They make up the community of Alcañices (Santa Ana, Alcorcillo and Vivinera), Trabazos (San Martín del Pedroso, Nuez, Latedo, Villarino Tras la Sierra and Latedo), Figueruela de Arriba (Flechas, Figueruela de Abajo, Moldones, Villarino Manzanas, Gallegos del Campo and Riomanzanas), Mahíde (San Pedro de las Herrerías, Boya, Pobladura and Las Torres), Viñas (San Blas, Vega de Nuez and Ribas), San Vitero (San Juan del Rebollar, San Cristóbal, El Poyo and Villarino Cebal), Gallegos del Río (Domez, Valer, Flores, Tolilla, Puercas and Lober), Samir de los Caños, Fonfría (Bermillo de Alba, Fornillos, Castro, Arcillera, Ceadea, Moveros and Brandilanes), Rabanales (Fradellos, Matellanes, Mellanes, Ufones and Grisuela), Rábano de Aliste (Tola, San Mamed and Sejas) and San Vicente de la Cabeza (Palazuelo de las Cuevas, Bercianos de Aliste and Campogrande).The General Assembly of Tierras de Aliste is made up of: Jesús María Lorenzo Más (Alcañices) and Javier Faúndez Domínguez (Trabazos), president and vice president respectively;Roberto Cisneros Sanabria (Mahíde), Pascual Blanco Martín (Gallegos del Río), Carlos Pérez Domínguez (Figueruela de Arriba), Carina Nepomuceno Gago (Rábano de Aliste), Bernardo Casado Fernández (Viñas), Santiago Moral Matellán (Rabanales), Fernando González Rodríguez (San Vicente de la Cabeza), Vanesa Mezquita Mezquita (San Vitero), Francisco Crespo Belver (Samir de los Caños) and Sergio López Vaquero (Fronfría).The meetings of the General Assembly and the Government Commission are held in the plenary hall of the Alcañices town hall.There are three councils of which three councilors are part of the General Assembly: Mahíde (Laurentino Pelaez Lorenzo), San Vitero (Rafael Caballero Alonso) and San Vicente de la Cabeza (Celestino Blanco Garrido).Jesus M. Lorenzo Mas.President of "Lands of Ready"The direct management and the joint work of the mayors and town councils, with the collaboration of the neighbours, has led Tierras de Aliste to be one of the associations with the most machinery and public services in the entire autonomous community, in addition to keeping payments up to date, close the accounts with a surplus and be one of the most economically sound in Castilla y León.In its beginnings, “Tierras de Aliste” opted for the outsourcing of the urban solid waste collection service, the first concession being the company “Manuel Fernández” from Ferreruela and in a second phase “Graveras del Magdalena”.It was in 2015 when it was agreed to terminate the contract with the “Hertasa” group (Hermanos Tábara) to try their luck with direct management, which has been a complete success: the service was improved and expenses were reduced.Two enlisted workers were hired for this.The arrival on our streets 26 years ago of the containers and the beginning of the service little by little put an end to illegal and uncontrolled dumping.Garbage, collection and recycling, a marked need, became a reality, improving decorum and health in the towns as well as the quality of life for Enlisted families.Enjoy all the newsNews saved in your profileNews saved in your profileNews saved in your profileNews saved in your profile© La Opinion de Zamora SA All rights reserved